The St Louis Police Veteran's Association

Is now a 501c3 Organization.

What does this mean to businesses and individuals in the community?

They can make charitable donations to SLPVA.

What this means to our members?

1. You can now deduct your annual dues as a charitable contribution on Schedule A of your personal tax return if you itemize your deductions when you file your tax return.

2. You can pay your dues as part of an annual IRA required minimum distribution (RMD) from a traditional IRA as a “Qualified Charitable Distribution” (QCD). Paying dues this way and other payments to charities (church, non-profit, museum) become non-taxable distributions.

3. You can now make a tax deductible contribution to SLPVA, same as contributions to any non-profit or charity.

4. You can leave a portion of your estate to SLPVA by designating this in your will or living trust.

5. You can contribute non-cash items to the SLPVA and deduct the fair market value of the donation on your tax return if you itemize deductions if the items donated are used for the SLPVA’s exempt purpose. (e.g. items used in an auction, items used for a membership event, items used for families in need, etc.)

6. 50/50 drawing donations at the meetings can be considered a charitable contribution.

We will be looking at ways that our organization can become involved in the community in a charitable way. We will be discussing this in more detail in the future.

Click hear for a copy of the SLPVA 501c3 letter from the IRS